Last week a friend texted saying she was driving by and saw a rainbow over my house, and she prayed for me. I REALLY needed those prayers! God was on the move! Way more than I realized!
Few days ago, I felt deeply impressed to pray for a miracle. Our family has been journeying through something for quite some time-VERY hard and yet oh so beautiful with Jesus GRACE seriously carrying us, and knowing this:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Rom. 8:28
And that day, this verse came to me-
“to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heavens”. (Ecclesiastes)
We have prayed our way through this journey, but NOW the Holy Spirit was prompting me that this was a new season. And my husband and I prayed, cried out for what we believed was a new TIME, to pray a new way, this time, just simply “Lord we are asking for a miracle”. Only five minutes later, He led us in a whirlwind of happenings SO ABSOLUTELY HIM LEADING US TO THE MIRACLE. And three days later, THE MIRACLE WAS COMPLETELY ACCOMPLISHED!! THIS WAS ALL THE LORD! ONLY HE could do this! Our family is praising God. AWE struck and resting. Resting anew in His beautiful miracle again to our family.
God answered those prayers, and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
I think about Moses. We have been studying the Old Testament journey for Advent. Moses was called by God to lead the people out of Egypt. This “impossible” scenario, was made possible by God. Moses obeyed the call, and the miracles unfolded as God led every single step by step of the way. We must persevere in faith and obedience, and though we walk through long periods in a dry land, receive the daily provisions of God’s supply, and believe in the promises of God. God will lead, provide, and in His time, His way, He will do miracles. Always, miracles in the hearts of those who are thankful for His saving work-whose dependence and clinging is on Christ alone. Miracles in ways He sees fit for His perfect plans for His children.
Our son Isaac was watching yesterday as my husband and I teamed up, communicated back n forth. Some voice clipping with text phones, getting plans and details all sorted out. Isaac is a man of few words but when he speaks, it often speaks volumes. “Mom. This reminds me of a Mission Impossible movie. (we have only watched through a neat filtering program called VidAngel-that keeps the language and everything else clean) Dad is leading up the mission, you are the side kick helper, and together, strategizing the details of the final stages ‘Let’s do it’ to accomplish the mission.”
I am sharing this piece because our children are watching, and though we can be in a whirlwind and know it is messy, the Lord will give moments when we realize our children are seeing us cling to Jesus our hope, strength, life. God’s grace allows them to see our persevering faith, Jesus Himself-NOT our messy moments in the process. For our sons, to see “with man this is impossible, but with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE” – to God be the glory!!!!!!!!!
The other day I did a devotional study on AIM TO PLEASE GOD.

I had the boys dust off their nerfs and set up a target. A unique one, we put a bell in the middle to hit and ring. We had some fun, and this AIMING practice, connected us to relating to our Christian Life. Wonderful lessons came from these verses in 2 Cor. 5:9-11. And the purposeful life we get to live, focused on our Savior.
Merry Christmas to all! And May you experience the wonderful miracle of Christ Jesus the Lord.
“We make it our aim…to be well pleasing to Him” 2 Cor. 5:9
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder
of those who diligently seek Him.” Heb. 11:6