Snuggled in, I watched two brothers at work on A HUMBLE, TINY, FRAIL, TREE – with a GREAT PURPOSE – LOVE!!! I think what was such a blessing to me, was to see them in such sweet harmony. For another kind of tree I was actually seeing, the fruits of the Spirit manifested only by ONE who brings order, so perfectly. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, FAITHFULNESS, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS AND SELF CONTROL!! Peace on earth… GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!!
It’s a peace in the heart of hearts, minds, souls that we received that carries us today, tomorrow and for all eternity. A peace that delivered us from the pangs of death into His glorious Light. It’s about God’s loving provision. As God provided the star that led the way for the magi to reach and worship the Savior Christ the King. He provided the Lamb of God to die a …brutal death and live, to remove sins sting. His daily provision lives on as a Light to guide our way, for those who receive the full gift of why God sent His only Son. His PROVISION to meet all our needs one day at a time as He leads. Provision through the gift of prayer because of His spirit that lives within and is ALWAYS at work in those who belong to Him to be faithful to complete it.
He worked away PATIENTLY through a persevering task, removing the old and bringing in the new to our artificial tree. How can this be? Something only God could truly do! This boy a vessel of PEACE God is using to be an example of answered prayer and love and a mind renewed! He took that tree and prepared it just so, and then as I began to string the new lights aglow, I recognized my own agitation inside, as I wasn’t as patient as the boy by my side. How can this be? It’s Jesus you see!!!!!!!! A vessel of peace stands by my side, the same kind of peace I had at his birth, not knowing what the path would be, surrendering all, Jesus would meet the need.
The Savior, who came Christmas morn, we rely on His power that resurrected from death to life all for love, to resurrect us anew. For He came to be born once, so that we could be born again. His death on the cross, brought freedom from sin, His resurrection power now lives within. For all who call upon Him as Lord, repent, and receive the gift of His spirit within, in trusting HIM daily to conquer the sin! The battles we face we know will be overcome, we press on with His power, this wonderful race through the life of the SON! A race we will finish by God’s merciful grace, that gives us the HOPE of seeing HIM one day FACE to FACE.
God uses lives the world sees as weak, to show His great power. It is HIM not we, that are accomplishing the impossible, by His Divine will all for His Kingdom purposes. For when He is SEEN and the GLORY of the LORD is at work, it offers the hope that others will believe and receive this wonderful life. For only to be attained through the work of the Savior who came down from His throne all for LOVE. The Creator, The King, The Savior, who wants to remove our sin, set us apart, and dwell within. To offer peace on earth, (which dwells in the heart) good will toward men.. peace that will be for today, tomorrow and all eternity in the HOPE of everlasting life with Him.