Dear Friends. Why Are We Here? This whole issue of identity, purpose.
Sweetness to my soul! This picture is notes my sons took. A refresher course the other day, for us here at “Schooling on the Rock”. What a JOY SO SWEET to share in this, pass onto my sons all these years, to share in with you. To share with the world.
What a complete gift we have been given to wake everyday, and know why we are here! Purpose. Women, men, children. Young, Old. The sneaky, clever, devil has got people, even Christians desperately seeking purpose and value, a stamp of approval, in the ways of this world. We can see this wreaking havoc, chaos, tragedy, on emotional, physical, and ultimately Spiritual well-being of souls designed by God. It has been my greatest joy to teach my children why they are here. God has spoken. There are NO circumstances that overrule these truths. We do not need to cave to this “earthly” mindset (which is ruled by the devil). It is a battlefield full of lies, ploys, pulling for us to strive for “value” in this world-which leads to nothing but an empty life. We are not of this world.
What a contrast, a joy when we see young lives thriving, in spite of hardships of this world, because they know “Why I am Here”. They know the love of God, and the highest calling for everything that matters to the Kingdom they belong.
This is a refresher course the other day, for us here at “Schooling on the Rock”.
Why Am I Here? What is My Purpose?
To give God glory.
“Every one that is called by my name; for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, yea, I have made him” Isaiah 43:7
“Heavenly Father, I know You created all things, including me. I know you created people in Your image. It was your will to create me, to save me from my sins through Jesus Christ, and make me Your child. It is Your will that I exist, that I would speak about You, live in relationship with You, live for You, and bring You glory. Thank You, in Jesus name, Amen”
“You are worthy, O Lord,
To receive glory and honor and power;
For You created all things,
And by Your will they exist and were created.” Revelations 4:11
Before I was even formed, or born, You had planned out my life – for this great purpose. (Psalms 139:16)
Therefore, I know, that You alone are in control and have the plan for my whole life. With all of life’s concerns, this brings me much assurance:
God is in control of:
1) the beginning of my life
2) the length of my life
3) the exact plan for my life
WHY AM I HERE? To serve the Lord and obey Him. There is no higher or greater purpose than being a servant of the King of the universe! (see Psalm 84:10) What a blessed privilege it is!
WHY AM I HERE? To prepare for eternity. I am not here to pursue my own pleasures, wealth, or fame as the goal of life, because the book of Ecclesiastes says all these things are vanity. I will live each day, in the Kingdom I belong to already, and headed towards for all eternity.
Jesus said, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul”? (Mark 8:36-37)
WHY ARE WE HERE AND WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE? To know, glorify, and serve the Lord with gladness, as His Children. We have the answer to why we are here. In all that we do, even in everyday tasks, we can glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Since the Lord uniquely made each one of us, we can glorify Him in ways unique to our personalities, talents, and gifts (see Psalm 139:13–14; 1 Peter 4:10–11). Because God created us, loved us, and redeemed us in Christ, He is worthy of all praise and glory, and our lives should be a testimony to His grace and goodness.
The conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commands for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13