Not… even…kidding. Even the worms are confused.
Maximus with his keen eye sight was inside our house yesterday and saw something moving on top of at least 4 inches of snow. He went out to check and proclaimed it was a worm wriggling around. They hibernate underground for winter. They come out in Spring. So what’s a worm to do when it has made it’s way out of the ground, and it’s “Spring”? Then hit with wintry weather? Climb it’s way out of a snow pit and wait for help.
Well, this worm was saved by the hand of Maximus. As he scooped it up, and took it to safety under a tree, with no snow, and lots of gooey, soft mud. A perfect place for a worm.
So if times are a bit strange and confusing…and you are wriggly around with unexpected happenings, climb out of the funk, look up to God in heaven, Help is on the way.
God’s 100 percent Perfect Faithful righteous right hand will keep you in His care. Look to Jesus Who came to save sinners from our muck, receive His gift of life, and know you are being carried each day to that Perfect place called Heavenly Home and everlasting life. Safe in His care.
For the child of God …
“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will HELP you,
I will UPHOLD you with My RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND hand.” Is. 41:19