Waking up with my goals for our day. But still wanting it to be a natural flow of the Holy Spirit. Not rigid routine, but the relational presence of Jesus. I had told my husband last night I felt good, as I had finished our weekly chart with daily academic goals, bible study time, etc. I also told him, when I awoke in the morning, I would be inquiring of the Lord to even still direct my every thought and step in this day. He has things to teach us ( All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. Is. 54:13. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things John 14:26) and I want to see and embrace those moments. So this morning, even though I had a “plan” – asking the Lord to direct my every thought and step, that His counsel and plan may prosper. I have worked hard to not have a rigid routine and flow by His Spirit. We have done that more and more. I believe in this new season, as the result of today demonstrates, as the boys are older, God is enabling me to see even clearer those opportunities to pause and go with the Spirit and embrace, and then He enabling to still complete the goals I had written down for the day.
Soon thereafter, I submitted my plans, I saw my very creative, curious, Maximus outside in the sun with a magnifying glass. In wonder and clearly in a place of “experiment”, “discovery”. I cannot miss these opportunities. This is the spark! How God has blessed us with this young man, to be the JOY, the LIGHT, the SPARK that we are able to embrace. God leads us through to bright days and learning engagements. This would not be so in a classroom all day. His creativity and design by God, gives us so many ideas to grab onto and really soak in the presence of the Lord on this learning journey.
A quick google for scientific information on magnifying glasses, sun. An older brother gladly and willingly reaches out his hand to be apart of this experiment. The intensity and power of the sun, when brought to a “focal” point – burns with an intensity in an instant. Watched a couple videos on classroom science experiments. As well as how this very thing is a wonderful tool to keep in mind for survival. Survivalists using this very technique to bring about fire and warmth in a desperate time. Who knows when we made need to use this information.
Which can lead to fire. As we sat together in our backyard encircled around our experiment. Seeing the power of the sun at work, igniting the match on fire, burning a hole through this (we chose to burn up the sin) and explaining the dangers of fire spreading, with one tiny spark, keeping our water and hose close by :
Which led us to….
For our BIBLE STUDY, as I added to what the Lord had previously put on my heart “the body is the temple of the Lord”.
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire…
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
As in the fire and it’s ability with one spark to destroy so much, thus is the tongue. It can either build up or tear down. What a choice we have each day. And only is it attainable to really spread a spark of fire for BLESSING all around if we are being continually controlled by the Holy Spirit. (James 3:5-10)
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. We are called to honor him with our bodies. Bringing ears, eyes, hands, feet, minds…. THE TONGUE under His control to His honor and praise. We are NOT our own. We were bought at a price. (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
What price? Jesus paid the price for our ticket to heaven! Death, punishment, blood on a cross. He was punished, paid the price for our salvation.
It only takes a spark
To get a fire going
And soon all those around
Can warm up in the glowing
That’s how it is with God’s love
Once you’ve experienced it
You’ll spread His love
To everyone
You’ll want to pass it on
I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I’ve found
You can depend on Him
It matters not where you’re bound
I’ll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of Love
Has come to me
I want to pass it on
I’m passing it on…..
Documenting our journeys. Not every day. But some. In case it might be hope or light to someone else reading. I’ve gleaned from so many, who have blessed me with passing it on. From my own researching for things for my son who had a stroke, and more… and been blessed by my findings of wisdom God has given as I have asked. I also document for our boys. A journey they may want to tap into again, to remember, recall, pass on to their own?? I just share. I believe God wants me to. This is a journey I never would have imagined walking. Never would have imagined finding such joy, beauty, and strength. A journey very hard, especially for many of their younger years, but through all a journey of GOD’s GRACE and PERFECT POWER overcoming. I was so inadequate, unqualified, and know that even still I am each day I awake – apart from Him I can do nothing.
And yet, I KNOW when I awake, I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR through Christ. And He surely does PROVE HIMSELF EVER FAITHFUL and A CONQUEROR through our weakness.
IT ONLY TAKES A SPARK… to get a fire going… the spark of JESUS!
Start a fire in my soul
Fan the flame and make it grow
So there’s no doubt or denying
Let it burn so brightly
That everyone around can see
That it’s You, that it’s You that we need
Start a fire in me
You only need a spark to start a whole blaze
It only takes a little faith
Let it start right here in this city
So these old walls will never be the same
Over and over again
I hear Your voice in my head
They need to know
I need to go…
May the love of the Savior spark our hearts, minds and souls to believe in His power able to do more than we could ever imagine… through clinging to His every Word. Over and over again.