This statement I said in a conversation with my husband at 5:00 am, the Lord has used for thought and inspiration to start the day.
Happiness –
For the Disciple of Christ, is knowing where this wild ride is taking us. To lift our hands and hearts in worship,
rejoicing in all circumstances, that we are on our way, to the INCREDIBLE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN with our LORD AND SAVIOR,
JESUS CHRIST, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. He is with us all the way.
Happiness center;”>
Opening up the bible, the powerful Word of God at 5:30 am, to prepare yet another study for my sons.
Deception, false teachers, many anti-Christ, the anti-Christ, testing the spirits,
beware: wolves in sheep’s clothing, believe not every spirit-test the spirit, evil men and seducers will worsen and increase,
deceiving, we will need to fully rely on the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, sound doctrine,
to lead us in truth, righteousness, and the narrow and difficult way that leads to life.
This may seem from our human perspective like a confusing, twisty turning roller coaster ride,
but to the One Who is in full control, and accomplishing and fulfilling His promises and plan-
He sees it all clearly and sees the end as it will be. All who receive Him as Lord are
on a straight path to everlasting life with our Great Lord.
Hold on tight and cling to Him. Lift our hands and hearts in reverence
to our Faithful God. He is with us, and His Spirit, the Helper will guide us into all Truth.
This is no time to be concerned with fitting into the world.
Every single activity, decision, meeting, must be diligently prayed over, seeking discernment and wisdom.
Even the seemingly really “good” even “religious”, may very well be a deception from the evil one.
Be on guard. This is the time to redeem the time, make best use of our time,
these are evil days. To teach our children, as we ourselves keep learning,
to buckle up-cinch up our waist belt of Truth, and put on the Armor of God –
and see to it, that our highest level of commitment and devotion, care-concerns,
to see that it is “fitting” that we worship God in Spirit and in truth in our daily living.
Our sense of desire for “fitting in or belonging” should be satisfied in the truth,
we belong to God. We are His children. We are in His family. We belong to His Kingdom.
“How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and FITTING to praise Him!” Ps. 140:7
Is Jesus – our Joy and Salvation. Through it all and onward to glory, we worship Him.
“Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding” Proverbs 3:13