Focusing on the prize – JESUS! That’s what I posted as I began this day. Fueled up in prayer, devotions with the boys on Patience and Perseverance.. little did I know minutes later that would be God’s specific word to ME (not them). Academics are important but I have always prayed for the most important thing to be made known to my boys – the reality of the relationship with Savior and the hope that each would grow to depend on HIM for life. I had prayed this desire of my heart, again over them before our day started. Now.. I was being hit with a ton of unexpected twists all at once during our math time at the table-emotions, locked up brain, and more. I began to crumble over the pressure and the enemy of doubt crept in to cause me to question – “was I qualified?”. The boys knew why I headed to my room, not because of them, because of my own struggle. They knew mommy was sobbing before the Lord. The Lord met me in prayer and I headed back out with none other than PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE, eyes fixed on JESUS the prize! And this is what I heard as Maximus, my 9 year old son, looked me in the eye and said in the most grown up and direct and assertive tone, “now, mom. Listen to me. I was just praying for you mom. You ARE the greatest teacher there is. And mom (pause), God IS your help and He IS with you.” So thankful math got jumbled and the events of that window of time were what they were. Cause that was a most valuable lesson – for all of us. God hears the cries of our hearts -and he answers and shows up in the most beautifully, unexpected ways. I sat with both boys and said “exactly! And that is the lesson I WANT you to learn if you never learn another thing, please boys, LEARN that God is YOUR help, and HE is always with you”.
School is dismissed!
P.S. For mama’s out there everywhere, with little children unable to communicate – because they are young or because of other reasons – be encouraged and fix your eyes on the prize – because the prayer that you cover your children in, the lessons you teach – God is working. “some” of us may be limited in what we actually are able to hear from our children’s hearts – because of barriers in communication. God gave me a son with verbal communication barriers – he has his “way”- and then a son with a GIFT in COMMUNICATION and expression – on behalf of moms who don’t get to “hear” those special words – your love for your children is recognized and God’s love in you is touching them.