It was not all that long ago, he struggled to do anything in our kitchen without a panic attack setting in. Even me giving a simple word like a “cupboard” or “sink”, the immense strain to recall what that was would overwhelm.
So today, when I asked him to show his brother how. I was ONLY expecting the shells to be removed and eggs in bowl.
To my unexpected surprise, I was presented with the finished product. Over and over I had taught Isaac to make scrambled eggs. He hadn’t yet, ever done it all from beginning to end on his own.
He went the extra mile today, and taught his brother from beginning to end to make scrambled eggs!
It takes a lot to be a great teacher. A whole lot of the fruits of the Spirit. “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control”. A child who used to strain to do so much, is now filled with so much and able to teach like a true teacher!
Abide in Me… apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
We are still overcoming. It is only through this gift of life here together minute by minute in relationship with the Father and one another.
This is a tiny story about eggs. But really it is about a whole story of 13 years of life. With a brain affected by stroke. Brain that controls our thinking, our moving, our relating. And our God who is LORD over all! Walking with Jesus, walking with our children, and holding onto His word above all else. “I have put my hope in your word” Ps. 119:14
Which has called me to walk, teach, train, my children morning, noon, night, showing them the way… most importantly to relationship with God in everything we do, for his glory. Deut. 6:6-9 and 1 Cor. 10:31
I want to bring HOPE. And at 13 I am thankful, that Isaac is graciously sweet to say “mom, it’s fine to share this with others.” As I explain how the testimony of God’s ability may just encourage some other mama out there.
He remembers some and some he doesn’t. I am thankful for some of his greatest struggles he does remember. And that he does remember prayer, God’s word, and our family walking him through each time to victory is how he is overcoming.
With every victory, let it be said of me, my source of strength, my source of HOPE is CHRIST ALONE!