The Bouquet of Life

flower 2“consider the lilies….even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these…if then God clothes the grass…how much more will He clothe you?”

Luke 12:12

Beauty in a rose, a daffodil, a violet, a daisy. Varying colors, shapes – some strong in fragrance, others more subtle. Some bold, thick stems, large petals. Others small, delicate, quiet, and reserved.

Within a bouquet they compliment one another. None competing, none arrogant or superior, none inferior. Each simply stands in it’s own beauty recognized as the display of the beauty of the Lord, the creator of all.

Each is different. Each serves God’s purpose. Each pointing to Someone Greater. God in Heaven – His beauty, His wisdom, His work displayed.

So are the children of God!

As the river that flowed from Jesus’ shed blood on the cross is welcomed to be a continual, daily washing away of the pride in hearts, and is allowed to fill up the crevices of souls, we are then clothed in humility and able to see all creation through the lens of God.

Just as the beauty beheld in bringing together a bouquet of flowers in unity complementing one another, we will recognize God’s beauty of each individual in His hand picked bouquet of life in Him. None superior, none inferior, but in humble unity – displaying the work of the wisdom and beauty and glory of God!    “be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility” 1 Peter 5:5

“as God’s elect put on tender mercies, kindness, humility…and love which is the bond of perfection…and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which you were called in ONE body” Col. 3:12


Humility sees not how good we are compared to others, but how far we have yet to go compared to Christ’s measure. Pride is content to compare and compete with others. ~Anonymous

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