A small reading on deer and facts, with an additional page He placed on my heart of bible scripture to tie in on deer with biblical application.
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:1
What perfect timing God has to get to the hearts of us all. As this was the last on our schedule for school time and we all needed this exact biblical application. One child, feeling stressed today. One child needing extra self control. One mama needing patience to finish strong.
The worksheet the Lord had me create this morning…
What does it really mean to have our souls thirsty for the living God?
When we are feeling icky, stressed, worried, sad and troubled and struggling in any way it means our souls are thirsty for the living God. Do you ever thirst for the living God? (a simplified version for maturity level)
How perfect that we ALL were definitely thirsting at that moment in our own way. Each one feeling off kilter in our own struggle. Our souls needed an extra dose of the Living Water.
What should we do when our souls are thirsty?
Beautiful answers came from the mouth of “child like faith”: Pray, and read the bible.
What a beautiful moment to wrap up our day, pausing, bowing our heads, and each one asking God to fill a thirsty soul. For one, it was the prayer of “please fill me with peace”, for another “please fill me with self-control”, and for another “please fill me with patience” – in Jesus name amen.
I’ve been considering a lot what this verse truly means lately as well:
“delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Ps. 37:4
I’m finding it means spending less time everywhere else in the things that attempt to fill me, yet only leave me striving for more and never satisfied, to using those times that I would be “prone to wander” to that empty filling to turn right around and walk into the presence of Jesus in worship, prayer, and reading His word. And OH! How a satisfied and full soul, full of more and more of Jesus will bring the benefit of pure, simple, and the most BEAUTIFUL of reward.
“for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Ps. 107:9
I heard this song the other day. Ties in beautifully. Enjoy.