It was a really good day. ALL the credit belongs to Jesus. We were not out climbing mountains or hiking terrain with beautiful scenery. We were home all day. But I asked God to move mountains at beginning of day. Mountains of my own flesh and fleshly perspective. He SO did!
There was also beautiful scenery today, SEEING JESUS move a million times, rather than my flesh. I thought I needed so many things at start of day. I just needed more of Jesus. Hard to describe.
Maybe you know what I mean?
Letting go of all again, learning to be content in all circumstances, removing distraction, casting my cares, and praying new and bigger. Because that is what our pastor challenged us to do.
You know I read again, about Jesus washing his disciples feet today. I was struck deeply with something I had never really taken in before. It was the last supper. He was soon going to the torturous crucifixion on that cross, and yet…He would choose at this last supper to wash other people’s feet. These same feet would be ones he would be giving his life for on that cross.
What an incredible example of humility, and unending sacrifice this gracious King of heaven displayed in love. I mean. He could have just taken a break at the last supper, after all, the agony of ultimate incredible brutal sacrifice was coming. But no. That’s not Jesus. Every minute on this earth, was used to teach, serve, draw others to His heart, and demonstrate His great love.
What a great example to encourage us in our many ways we serve our families, and beyond. I mean, if the King of heaven who served me on that cross, in saving my soul even though I did not deserve such kindness, I certainly can do all things through the power of my Resurrected Christ Who strengthens me, and serve, and go beyond, forsaking even a thought of complacency and using the time I am here to be about the Father’s will. Living to please the Father.This is key. Again.
This day was GOOD. All credit and boasting belongs to Christ ALONE. But I do want to share the wonderful gift of relationship with Jesus Christ. And the things He continues to teach me.
I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to LONG to be satisfied, and think of so many practical ways that make sense in my flesh and that “must be what I need” in good things. Yet, I am finding more and more, the acceptance of “right where I am” , and asking Jesus to fill me, to JUST BE right here with HIM. ALL I truly needed, and all God truly wanted for me, was JESUS to fill my longing soul and be MY ALL IN ALL in my position and place He chose for me this day. And of course everyday. Filled to the brim with Jesus.
As I head for bed, I gaze upon this little verse on my stove. “With God all things are possible”
Such powerful words, to believe and live by.
May Jesus satisfy your longing soul and fill you with good things. Ps. 197:9 Today, tomorrow, forever into eternity.