Not 3, but 4! On my knees praying!
Today, was a day, where I left to go grocery shopping, but with so much emotion inside, I had to turn and go back home. I cried, I prayed, I was drenched in tears. Then, the Lord gave me this poem below. I thank God He has given me the ability to take the joy and aches, and everything inside my heart, mind, soul, and write it out. Not only does it bring healing and help to me to express the overwhelming emotions that sit so stuck there, to be release, but I have been told it also is a help to others as I share.
I lay it all out, sometimes. Open myself up to be vulnerable. As a mother, seeing my children face the harshness of this world is super painful at times, but with JESUS we are more than conquerors and what a gift that every THING in our lives HE promises to work together for our good, because He has called us unto Him. We live ultimately for the Kingdom to come, and in every hardship we yearn that we will grow in Christ and become for like Him, as well as be used by Him to share the hope of our Salvation. We will learn grace, forgiveness, trust and deeper faith in the ONE WE PUT OUR HOPE IN.
My heart may ache,
my heart may break,
and yet the Lord will always mend.
The difficulties today, my son, thank God are not the end.
The times that seem to get me down, I am lifted up by your courage and strength, the Lord made you a fighter, it is to HIM I THANK! Your GREAT ABILITY to take the blows of life, get up unaffected, emotions do not weigh you down. You don’t look back, you look ahead towards the goal to receive the prize. My heart filled with tears that flow from my eyes, that God’s glory is seen, through the blows of life, and in the strength that you rise, He gives to you my son. A fighter, determined, with all your might. The things of the life, goals God has set by His plan for you to attain, are nothing compared to the greatest prize you will ever receive – Jesus your reward-your greatest gain, keep pressing on my son, Jesus is working, He will finish what He has begun.
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”. Phil. 3:14