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The Bible – October 6, 1536 History


The BIBLE. Grateful. Every day. Once posed a thought to my sons quite a few years back. Imagine your life, school, without ever having a bible. The sorrow, terror of a life without their bibles was a most horrific thing for them to imagine. They would be empty and lost, and they know it. The centerpiece of our daily living, sustenance and existence. It is power. Our greatest textbook. God’s Holy Word-a gift. To be used for a personal relationship with the living God-Jesus Christ.


I hope you have a bible.  If you don’t, let’s see about getting you one. Message me in the comments below. I pray you find the joy of a relationship with Jesus Christ the Savior.  I pray you will find the joy, power, and strength in using this most treasured gift throughout each minute, hour, day, month, year, all the way into eternity with the Savior.

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