“My foot has held fast to His steps, I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than necessary food” Job 23:11
There is worldliness, there is temptation, there is unrighteousness, there is unholiness, there is sin, there is fear, anxiety, bondage, there is my own way…
I went on a walk the other day with my sons. It was a beautiful Spring day, and the sunshine felt so amazing, as well as the fellowship. Looking back at pictures, this one captivates so much more than I can possibly articulate.
God continues to mold and shape me (us) and I am grateful for the Scriptures and time with my children to point them to Jesus Christ, our only Hope.
As Believers we live in this sin affected world, yet we are not apart of it. We belong to the Kingdom of God. Clearly sin affects us. It’s everywhere, and our present flesh still wrestles with much. When I say flesh, I mean our minds, our emotions, our eyes, ears, that take in happenings, experiences.
We have been gifted with life in Jesus, and His Holy Spirit dwells within. He has given us His Word to guide our every part of our being, as the Holy Spirit, leads us into all truth.
I read these verses this morning in Job. He had suffered much loss, much pain, and it was all consuming.
Earlier on in my own walk with Jesus, a trusted older mentor friend came along, as I told of some severe pain in my life. I desperately wanted to walk Jesus’ way, and sought for guidance. I cling to God’s Word as the source. But God brings treasures of fellow Believers along our path in various seasons, in just the way He knows we need, to cheer us on.
This person, was one of these. I am forever grateful for God’s faithfulness! He does not have to do this. As a heavenly Father, He chose us, and of course, loves us with an everlasting love. And faithfully provides and gives gifts to strengthen us on our way.
This person, empathized with the obvious real present, long, ongoing, extremely challenging, trial I was facing. Recognized this would not be an easy way out of, but by faith in God, I would make my way, in Jesus we have secured victory. He gave me a strong warning. I had been exercising forgiveness, and seventy times seven, but I am so grateful this person warned, knowing the vulnerability of us all to become weary on the journey in trial and the temptation of the enemy to want us to become bitter. “Beware of bitterness”. I was encouraged to contend for my own heart, to not allow bitterness to take deep roots, remain, grow, and defile not only my own heart, but defile those around me. “…lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this MANY become defiled” Heb. 12:16. This particular verse may have been referring to different circumstances, but I still took to heart bitterness…is bad news. I could choose opposite.
And Deuteronomy 29:18 says:
“So that there not be among you a family….whose heart turns away today from the Lord our God…that there may not be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood.”
A root. Spreading poison and bitterness into the whole tree.
We must fight hard with the very Word of God, to root out bitterness. Job felt it. He wrestled with the why’s of this trial. But he returned repeatedly to God’s sovereignty over all of life which enabled him to endure, and keep trusting God.
“For we know all things work together for good for the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but ends in death” Proverbs 14:12
There are devastating results of deep rooted bitterness, left to grow over time, and more time, if never rooted out. I have witnessed the destruction, and seen the heart break, and literally crippling affect that defiled many, through life long bitterness. I wanted no part of this in my life. Not for me, my family, and beyond.
The way to walk, is opposite of every thing this world has to offer, opposite of feelings, opposite of our own minds, or our own ways in which we decide is right for us. Opposite of fleeting, temporary, self fulfilling, sinful, rebellious, choices to cover for a time our pain.
The way to walk is in obedience to Christ, believing His Promises. The way to walk in freedom, is JESUS CHRIST.
I took hold of that warning, contend for your heart. And through times when I knew bitterness was creeping in, I fought hard, grabbing onto Jesus and His promises, and pleading with Him to heal my wounded, broken, heart, and by His loving righteous right hand, pull out that root, and set me free. He did! He has!
We can turn to much to fill our longing souls, even truly good things, but not good for us because we are turning to it with a dependency upon it as the thing we have to have to bring us fulfillment in life.
I like to place myself in various stories in the Scriptures, and imagine being a particular character. When life is really hard, I think of apostles thrown in prison, Joseph taken as a slave because of spiteful, cruel, siblings. I think of Hannah yearning for motherhood. I can relate to this ache, and prayers. Think of promises God made, and waiting. Sarah waiting to seemingly impossible time in her life to bear a child.
I think of these hardships, struggles, and the patriarchs of the faith spoken of in Hebrews. Imperfect, but by God’s grace, marched on. Marched on in victory through the faithful righteousness of Jesus Christ.
I want to be submitted to God, in faith. Using the scriptures to encourage me to keep going, to keep walking with Jesus, towards Jesus, all the way to our promised land of eternal life.
I want to surrender my life, submit again to my Lord, wherever He places me-a pit or a mountain top, I will trust Him more.
I want to walk the way, of “GROWING” in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior.
I want to walk opposite of the world, opposite of my own will, opposite of demanding my own way, opposite of foolishness.
Jesus Christ came to become sin on that cross for me, so that I would receive His righteousness. And live by His example. Pick up my cross and follow Him.
His way! He acknowledged the agony and anxiety of the cross before Him as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said, Father, if there be any other way, take this cup from me. Expressing the emotional turmoil consuming Him. Then He perfectly submitted, and in obedience to the Father, “not My will, but Yours be done”. He knew this was the will of the Father.
Do you ever dread the thought of the pain God may be calling you to walk through? Jesus empathizes. As Jesus, knew the life that was coming, He endured, the pain, for you and I.
Every time we go through suffering, trial, as we surrender in faith, God is not surprised by this, in fact sovereign God is calling us to walk as Jesus, and say, “not my will but Yours be done”. As we look to the promise. Each picking up of our cross, dying to our flesh/self, we are again and again, raised to life. Resurrection life that is always working, on our behalf. Each dying, brings, life!
Praise be to our living God! Who lives in us.
Jesus prayed “I do not pray You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, JUST as I am not of the world. Sanctify (set apart) them by Your truth. YOUR WORD IS TRUTH.” John 17:16-17
We are set apart for God’s use, His purposes, (which is GOOD), for His glory.
NOT by sight.
“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures FOREVERMORE” Ps. 16:11
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in His way…” Ps. 37:23
“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path” Ps. 119:105
Jesus is the WAY…
“As for me and house we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15
The very first verse above, mentions the treasure of God’s Word. More than necessary food. Like, we truly will die without physical food. However, our soul will truly die without the feeding on the Word of God. And that is the greater importance!
I know how frail and weak I am without the feeding on God’s Word. I know how full and satisfied, strengthened, I am when I do! And honestly, I am a grazer. Eating it up, all the day long.
“Heavenly Father. Thank You for life! A blessed life of strength and victory through Jesus Christ. Thank You for giving us the treasure of Your living Word. What a gift You have given to us. Bless the one who reads this today. In Jesus name. Amen”
“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Prov. 4:18