The Heart Study – Physical & Spiritual


I love this life God has given us!  God only grows all of us over and over through the years.  He weaves through everything we do and are about in daily living in relationship with Him.  Invite Him in, submit.  Seek.  Abide in Him and see His beauty unfold.  Hard days, yes.  Especially when they are little.  Starting this journey of home schooling, I knew nothing, but JESUS and HIS WORD.  I wanted all of it  to be  ultimately to disciple our sons, prepare them with life skills, and so much more.  Special needs. So much.  Academics – so much!  Jesus IS ENOUGH!  I wanted them to know Jesus.  His Word.  It’s what I still want more than anything. I want them to know Him more and more just as I seek to know Him more and more. Without Jesus, we have nothing, not life now, or eternally forevermore.

So today… I am reminded of God’s presence and faithfulness.  That He hears the prayers of the righteous.  Which still blows me away that through His precious blood, He would choose to make me righteous and call me to be holy.  He continues to call me out and into His LOVE, deeper and deeper.

This is what happened today:  And what happens everyday that I submit to Him. Trust He is truly with us.  That He cares.  And ask Him to make Himself known to me.  When I ask Him to lead me.  When I deny myself and follow Him.



When we Pray!!! The Lord answered my prayer to have a good technician for my echo cardiogram check up. Most often they make me hold my breath in a gasping method over and over which is unpleasant. Which I figure must be necessary. But glory halellujah, this one today, didn’t need me to do any of that. Not to mention, he is a Christian. Who understands the gift of home schooling! I had told him I JUST decided I was going home to study the heart. Diagrams of healthy heart vs. The specific heart defect I was born with. That had to be repaired to save my life. Science! He immediately gave me the name of the movie, that his VERY OWN COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR told him to watch about the doctor who actually came up with the tools and method back in the 30’s and 40’s to repair children with TETROLOGY OF FALLOT and save future babies lives. Or blue babies. Just like me! JUST FINISHED teaching the boys with diagrams and notes. Then the Lord!!!! The Lord reminded me of the verse I read at 5am this morning that is perfectly fitting. Hebrew 8:10 “I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR MINDS AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR HEARTS. I WILL BE THEIR GOD AND THEY WILL BE MY PEOPLE” When we receive Christ, the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit, is imprinted into our hearts. So that we just don’t KNOW in our minds, but our hearts have been repaired and transformed so that we desire Him. His laws. We cherish we are His Children. And that He is our God! So Maximus blessed me with sketching this heart art.


The journey with Jesus is beautiful.  Through hard and difficult, the unknowns, pain, hurts, joy, victories, we will SEE HIS hand holding us, giving to us, and making a way when it seems there is no way.



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