Pure Love With No Words
I shared this picture with other mother's of Pediatric Stroke Survivors recently. I received a lot of response. Isaac is 12-L. Hemiplegia/Cerebral Palsy- He works hard to…
I shared this picture with other mother's of Pediatric Stroke Survivors recently. I received a lot of response. Isaac is 12-L. Hemiplegia/Cerebral Palsy- He works hard to…
Our 2 year anniversary he blessed me with a beautiful diamond ring. Shortly thereafter I was blessed with another beautiful ring, just because he loves me. 6 year…
Our world needs men. Real men. Men with hearts to follow God. Sold out and radical men. Our boys need Jesus! In an ever increasing evil world. Boys…
I started so small now I'm 4 ft. 5 in. tall (Isaac-age 12) 4 ft. tall (Maximus-10). I am growing, I can see. God has a plan for…
He runs to his master. Nothing else matters and there is no distraction, but fully fixed on the goal to greet him when he walks through the door.…
Minute by minute Jesus says "come follow me" Where will this day take us? In Him I will trust and see All the thoughts and plans He has for…
All things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose. Why this pain? I do not know sometimes the why's. But what…
A stroke in utero, limp and seizures at birth. On a ventilator for 3 days, kidney, heart, and lungs not functioning. Prayers, prayers, prayers! Soon thereafter all systems were…
Amazing GRACE - I owe it all to THEE! He met me there today, on the couch all cozy with family by my side. Relaxed and eating pizza…
Snuggled in, I watched two brothers at work on A HUMBLE, TINY, FRAIL, TREE - with a GREAT PURPOSE - LOVE!!! I think what was such a blessing…
Brother, Mom, Brother. Making connections. Sometimes the needs seem so huge and impossible. But then I look to God, and know by His wisdom, nothing is impossible. I get…
"We are never more than one generation away from extinction as Christians. These children will have a special need to be specifically taught the principles and application. If…
There is One... WHO wants to bring you out of bondage into His glorious light "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's…
He's been asking questions - to God be the glory! It's a new thing! And I rejoice! Through the quiet and waiting and in varying seasons, buds spring…
A gift to mom and teacher-"every good and perfect gift comes from above." James 1:17 I just have to share a testimony! So worthy of honor to our…
In my charting special tributes to Thanksgiving Thankfulness in November... this is day 14- #14 - Thankful for this... He sat quietly on the bar stool watching his…
It just wasn't God's plan for us. Grateful for a God who shows His plan. "we can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength" Phil 4:13…
Heard my little brother crying in the other room. There was no one at the moment to help him but me. I went to check on him. I…
You know I can look back on so many things that I waited longer than I wanted to for. I see again, now, what God has been busy…
In a mix of mostly strangers at a party. I began to share of our special needs life. Testimonies of God's great faithfulness. My enthusiasm was slightly trumped…